Sunday, August 14, 2011

DUMUN '11-Managing Committee

Here's your chance to be a part of India's only central university MUN!

DUMUN'11 is now recruiting students of University of Delhi for its Managing Committee.
Click the link below to fill out the form:

Managing Committee Application Form

About the Managing Committee Model:
The Managing Committee (MC) comprises of students of University of Delhi who will form the backbone of DUMUN. The MC will be responsible acting as an interface between the organizers and the colleges of DU.
Being a part of the MC will provide students with immense experience of organizing an event at an international level and also develop their networking skills. Apart from this, they will also get a chance to participate in the 3-day conference scheduled from 22-24 October,2011.

You don't wanna be missing out on this! :)

Last date for applications: 21st August, 2011; 11.59 p.m

For further details contact:
Adviteeya Aggarwal: +91 9810490500
Sanya Talwar: +91 9899189960

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